This is the homepage for my 2ed Dungeons and Dragons PC Character environment.  My goal is to create a visually appealing and easy to use interface allowing you to not only create a player character from beggining to end but also add new races, classes, items, skills, spells etc.  With help from my good buddies Kyle Shrout and Mark Biser critiquing and play testing, I hope all will be pleased with the end results.

I'm currently focusing on the item generator that Kyle is creating since I'm at an impass on how to pass the values in my SQL database into fields duiring the initial pc creation process.

As time and my skills at web programming progress, I'll be adding forums so we can more adequately discuss issues and ideas.  If you stumble upon this site by accident and wish to discuss things, you can email me at



Chief Programmer:  Tony Sims

Chief Designer and creative master: Kyle Shrout

Axe master and Norse wulfling: Mark Biser